“Worship is like no place else in this world. But there is one place that it does resemble, and that is heaven.”
That is what worship is like: one foot in heaven with the other here on earth. What brings heaven into our earthly worship is not dependent on the building, the worship service or the worshipers. Rather, it is because of the One who is present in our worship that we experience heaven on earth. – Adapted from the LCMS Commission on Worship

The Sunday morning service is at 9:00 AM followed by a time for refreshments. Sunday School and Bible class for all ages begins at 10:15. Evening services are offered during the season of Lent, for Thanksgiving, Advent, and Christmas. Check the calendar for the times of those services.
On two Sundays a month, our worship services usually follow an order of worship from the hymnal with traditional hymns. On the other two Sundays, we have a more informal service with contemporary Christian music. Communion is offered on the first, third and fourth Sundays of the month as well as on other special days.