Frequently Asked Questions
What can I expect at one of your services?
Our services usually run about an hour in length. We have a blend of worship styles. On some Sundays, the worship is more formal with hymns and on other Sundays it is less formal with contemporary Christian music. We use both the organ and a grand piano with a Praise Team to lead the songs.
Are children welcome at your services?
We encourage families to worship together. A children's message is offered during the main service. We also have activity bags available, and a parenting room from where the service can be both seen and heard.
Will I be expected to give money?
We do pass a plate, however, you should not feel compelled to give. We do offer an online giving option as well. You can find a link at the bottom of this site. If you feel so moved, feel free to contribute using either of these options.
May I take communion?
We typically offer communion on the first, third, and fourth Sundays of the month. We ask that you first speak with our pastor prior to participating in communion.
How do I become a member?
We ask that you attend an adult information (confirmation or new member) class to learn about the Lutheran faith and Redeemer Lutheran Church or present a letter of transfer from another Lutheran church.